Plastic Surgery

James Frost, MD, board-certified plastic surgeon, has been a leader in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery for over 20 years. Frost Plastic Surgery offers a wide range of services including both cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries for the face and body.

Cosmetic surgery is designed to help refine and improve the areas of focus. These include minor surgeries with minimal recovery time to more extensive options.

Reconstructive surgery seeks to correct the damage caused by traumatic injury and side effects from disease or birth defects.

Breast augmentation

Breast implants are a common choice for the women of the Gulf Coast. Living in the land of sun and water, where clothing tends to be more revealing, creates an environment that lends itself to the desire for fuller breasts.

Women who choose breast implants are often those who never developed the size of breast they desire. Other women may have lost their fullness after pregnancy or weight loss. They are often self-conscious about their size and choose to wear push-up or padded bras to fill out their clothes.

Many women comment that they feel a new sense of self confidence after breast augmentation!

The Procedure:

Incisions may be made under the breast or around the nipple. A pocket is created under the breast gland (sub-glandular) or under the chest muscle (sub-muscular) to place the implant.

The placement of the implant either on top or underneath the muscle depends on the type of implant and the shape of the breasts. Most frequently, the choice is to place the implant under the muscle but for women with more droop to the breasts, the location above the muscle may be a better choice. Dr. Frost will work with you to decide what will best achieve your goals.

The procedure is performed as an outpatient under general anesthesia (or sedation if you prefer). It takes about an hour to perform. When the procedure is complete you will be placed in a supportive bra to support the surgical site.

Breast Implant Choice:

The implant size and type will be determined not only by the patient’s desired increase in size, but just as important by the breast anatomy, skin elasticity and body type.

There are two types for breast implants:

Saline breast implants are filled with sterile salt water. Should the implant ever leak, a saline implant will collapse and the saline will be absorbed and naturally removed by the body. Saline implants tend to show some rippling, especially in thin women with little breast tissue. They are generally best for women who have more breast tissue for padding over the implants and best under the muscle.

Silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel. The gel feels more like natural breast tissue and it is less likely you will be able to see rippling through the skin. Should the implant ever leak, the gel usually remains within the implant shell or the scar tissue that forms around the implant pocket. Silicone gel implants are more expensive than saline but are still the most frequent choice of women.

Expected Side Effects:

• Pain – more if the implant is under the muscle
• Bruising
• Swelling
• Scar at implant insertion site


We do everything we can to decrease the risks of surgery. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees of any surgery. Some of the risks specific to breast augmentation are:


• Infection – requiring removal of the implants
• Bleeding – requiring additional surgery
• Development of scar causing the implants to feel hard
• Rupture of the implants – this will likely happen during your lifetime and will require additional surgery
• Blood clots in the legs leading to clots in the lungs
• Death related to anesthesia

Breast Reduction

Reduction mammaplasty, or simply breast reduction, is one of the most common procedures we perform at Frost Plastic Surgery. Contrary to popular culture, large breasts are often not a blessing but rather a burden. Women note that they are tired of men talking to their chest rather than their face.

Women who seek reduction tell us that they have pain in the upper back, shoulders and neck. They sometimes complain of headaches, arm pain and rashes beneath the breasts. They find it difficult to exercise due to the weight of the breasts pulling on the chest; they often wear two or even three bras to try to exercise. They often find themselves lifting their breasts with their hands or setting them on a table to get relief. It is just not fair.

It is very gratifying to bring relief to these women. Frequently heard comments are: “Why did I wait so long,” “I should have done this years ago,” “I love my new breasts” or “What a relief.” It is common to hear women say “My back and shoulders felt better in the recovery room!”

Many insurance companies cover breast reduction. It is becoming more difficult to help you determine the coverage of your specific company since some cover reduction in one contract but not in another. We recommend that you contact your company to find our the specifics or your individual contract. And if they say “we cover it if your doctor says it is medically indicated” ask for that in writing.

The Procedure:

Breast reduction removes excess breast glands, fat, and skin to achieve breast size in better proportion with your body. This helps to alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts.

An anchor shape pattern incision is made around the areola and vertically down to and within the breast crease. The nipple remains attached to its original nerve and blood supply and is repositioned to a higher location.

Removing excess skin reduces the size of the areola. Underlying breast tissue is reduced, lifted and shaped. Occasionally, for extremely long breasts, the nipple and areola may need to be removed and grafted in a higher position on the breast.
The incisions are then brought together to reshape the smaller breast – kind of like making a new smaller bra out of your skin. Sutures are layered deep within the breast tissue to create and support the newly shaped breasts. Sutures beneath the skin and surgical tape will be used to close the incisions. The scars will be permanent but cases will fade over time.

You will have a supportive bra and possible drains placed after the surgery. You must wear the bra day and night until instructed by Dr. Frost. If you don’t have drains – and most women don’t – you will be able to shower the next day.

Expected Side Effects:
• Pain
• Bruising
• Numbness of skin and/or nipple – may be permanent
• Fatigue


We do everything we can to decrease the risks of surgery. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees with any surgery. Some of the risks specific to breast reduction are:
• Infection
• Asymmetry, breast contour and shape irregularities
• Partial or total loss of the nipple and areola – rare
• Possible inability to breast feed
• Poor healing resulting in conspicuous scarring or skin loss
• Bleeding or fluid collection under the skin, which could require more surgery
• Bleeding – requiring additional surgery
• Blood clots in the legs leading to clots in the lungs
• Death related to anesthesia


Life is not fair. You have the children, lose the weight and you still have extra skin, stretch marks and a “pooch” in the lower abdomen. Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a “tummy tuck,” may be your answer to remove excess skin and contour the abdomen. Although it is a major procedure, it often produces results that are well worth the undertaking.

The abdominoplasty is most effective in men and women who are in relatively good shape, but have loose abdominal skin and perhaps a lower tummy “bulge”. This procedure is particularly successful for women who have had multiple pregnancies or men and women who have lost a lot of weight. Women who have unsightly scars in the lower abdomen from C-Sections or hysterectomies that were placed along the midline may also choose abdominoplasty. The surgery typically produces excellent, long-lasting results.

Abdominoplasty is not a procedure for everyone. You are not a good candidate if:

• You are really overweight. It is not a weight-loss procedure.
• You intend to lose a significant amount of weight. Lose the weight first.
• You have plans for future pregnancies. We don’t want to “undo” the results.
• You have some types of scars in the upper abdomen (like a long gallbladder incision)
• Smokers

The Procedure:

The procedure is most often performed as an out-patient basis under general anesthesia. It takes two to four hours to perform. The procedure produces a permanent scar that usually extends from hip to hip.

Most patients will have drains and an abdominal binder (girdle) placed after the surgery. The drains may stay in place for 2 days to several weeks.

Expected Side Effects:

• Temporary Pain
• Numbness of the abdominal skin which may be permanent
• Bruising
• Tiredness for several weeks
• Scar


We do everything we can to decrease the risks of surgery. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees of any surgery. Some of the risks specific to abdominoplasty are:

• Poor healing resulting in conspicuous scarring or skin loss
• Bleeding or fluid collection under the skin, which could require more surgery
• Infection – requiring removal of the implants
• Bleeding – requiring additional surgery
• Blood clots in the legs leading to clots in the lungs
• Death related to anesthesia

Face Lift

You know it is time to consider a facelift when you look in the mirror and see your mother or father staring back at you. Where did that neck come from; it wasn’t there yesterday. What is this jowl thing? I didn’t sign up for this.
The changes usually start in the late 40’s or 50’s. Some of the changes can be treated with Botox or fillers but by the time the extra skin starts sagging in the neck or the jowls declare they are permanent features, a facelift is the best alternative.
There is much misunderstanding of what a facelift entails. It may be better named a “lower facelift” or “neck lift” since it only treats the lower part of the face and neck.
A facelift improves the visible signs of aging in the face and neck such as:

• Loose skin and excess fat under the chin and jaw
• Turkey neck
• The squaring of the lower face by the addition of jowls
• Creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth and into the chin

Although this discussion is just about facelifts, the procedure is very often combined with eyelid surgery and a brow lift.
The Procedure:
The facelift incisions begin in the hair at the temples, continues around the front and back ear and end in the lower scalp behind the ear. Fat may be sculpted by liposuction or redistributed from the face, jowls and/or neck. Underlying tissue is repositioned and often the deeper layers of the face and muscles are also lifted. The skin is redraped over the uplifted contours and excess skin is trimmed away. A second incision under the chin may be necessary to further improve an aging neck by removing fat or tighten the muscles.
When the surgery is complete, we wash your hair and place dressings that wrap your whole head for mild compression and support. We will remove the dressing the next day.
The procedure is most often performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. It takes three to four hours to perform. The procedure produces permanent scars that are well-concealed within the hairline and the natural contours of the face.

Expected Side Effects:

• Numbness – some permanent
• Bruising


We do everything we can to decrease the risks of surgery. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees with any surgery. Some of the risks specific to facelift are:

• Poor healing resulting in conspicuous scarring or skin loss
• Bleeding or fluid collection under the skin, which could require more surgery
• Infection
• Possible revisional surgery
• Hair loss at the incision site
• Facial nerve injury with temporary or permanent weakness of facial muscles
• Skin loss
• Facial asymmetry
• Blood clots in the legs leading to clots in the lungs
• Death related to anesthesia

The abdominoplasty is most effective in men and women who are in relatively good shape, but have loose abdominal skin and perhaps a lower tummy “bulge”. This procedure is particularly successful for women who have had multiple pregnancies or men and women who have lost a lot of weight. Women who have unsightly scars in the lower abdomen from C-Sections or hysterectomies that were placed along the midline may also choose abdominoplasty. The surgery typically produces excellent, long-lasting results.

Abdominoplasty is not a procedure for everyone. You are not a good candidate if:

• You are really overweight. It is not a weight-loss procedure.
• You intend to lose a significant amount of weight. Lose the weight first.
• You have plans for future pregnancies. We don’t want to “undo” the results.
• You have some types of scars in the upper abdomen (like a long gallbladder incision)
• Smokers

The Procedure:

The procedure is most often performed as an out-patient basis under general anesthesia. It takes two to four hours to perform. The procedure produces a permanent scar that usually extends from hip to hip.

Most patients will have drains and an abdominal binder (girdle) placed after the surgery. The drains may stay in place for 2 days to several weeks.

Expected Side Effects:

• Temporary Pain
• Numbness of the abdominal skin which may be permanent
• Bruising
• Tiredness for several weeks
• Scar


We do everything we can to decrease the risks of surgery. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees of any surgery. Some of the risks specific to abdominoplasty are:

• Poor healing resulting in conspicuous scarring or skin loss
• Bleeding or fluid collection under the skin, which could require more surgery
• Infection – requiring removal of the implants
• Bleeding – requiring additional surgery
• Blood clots in the legs leading to clots in the lungs
• Death related to anesthesia

Forehead Lift

Many people don’t recognize that the reason they look older and tired isn’t really the eyes, it is the brows that have settled and encroached on the eyes. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, will not only reposition a low or sagging brow, it can remove the creases that develop across the forehead or high on the bridge of the nose. It can also improve “crows feet.” The surgery typically produces excellent, long-lasting results that are often permanent.

A forehead lift is often performed by itself in younger individuals but frequently combined with a facelift in the older age groups. If you are going to have swelling, bruising and down time from a facelift, why not get it all done at once.
The Procedure:

A brow lift requires an ear-to ear incision is made in the hairline, often called a “headband” incision. This allows the tissue and muscle beneath the skin to be repositioned, altered or removed, correcting the source of visible creases ad furrows in the forehead. Brow lift incisions are typically closed with special clips that are left in for about two weeks. The procedure is most often performed as an out-patient basis under general anesthesia. It takes about an hour to perform.

Expected Side Effects:

• Pain
• Bruising
• Numbness – some permanent
• Soreness


• Asymmetry
• Poor healing resulting in conspicuous scarring or skin loss
• Bleeding or fluid collection under the skin, which could require more surgery
• Infection
• Facial nerve injury with weakness or paralysis – temporary or permanent
vHair loss at the incisions
• Blood clots in the legs leading to clots in the lungs
• Death related to anesthesia